THURSADAY 03.10.2024.
16.00-18.00: Registration
18.30-18.50 Prof. dr Andrea Genezzani: Demystifying contraindications to menopause hormone therapy
18.50-19.10 Prof. dr John Stevenson: Cardiovascular risk in reproductive years
19.10-19.30 Prof. dr Mark Brincat: Tailoring HRT needs for the individual postmenopausal woman - reducing risk, increasing benefits
19.30-19.50 Prof. dr Tamer Erel: Postmenopausal endometriosis management
FRIDAY 04.10.2024.
Chairpesons: Prof. dr Katarina Lalić, Prof. dr Snježana Popović Pejičić
08.00-08.15 Prof. dr Katarina Lalić: Lipid changes in menopause
08.15-08.30 Prof. dr Milena Mitrović: Diabetes mellitus: is it only mtabolic or reproductive dysfunction in the same time
08.30-08.45 Prof. dr Aleksandra Jotić: New technologies in type 2 gestational diabetes
08.45-09.00 Prof. dr Snježana Popović Pejičić: Type 2 diabetes mellitus in older adults: clinical considerations and management
09.00-09.15 Akad. Nebojša Lalić: Gender differences in type II diabetes
09.15-09.45 Coffee break - Industry sponsored satellite symposium: NovoNordisk
Chairpersons: Prof. dr Milena Brkić, Prof. dr Vesna Srećković Dimitrijević
09.45-10.00 Prof. Dr Blazej Meczekalski: PCOS in Adolescents : Ongoing Riddles in Diagnosis and Treatment
10.00-10.15 Prof. dr Mark Brincat: PCO in the over 40's. pathologies and management and treatment
10.15-10.30 Prof. Dr Natalia Pedachenko: Possibilities in PCOS management depending on clinical portrait
10.30-10.45 Prof. dr Milena Brkić: Cardiometabolic effect of a new antihyperglycemic therapy on polycystic ovary syndrome
10.45-11.00 Prof. dr Vesna Dimitrijević Srećković: Mediterranean diet and siMS score
11.00-11.15 Break - Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Vidapharm
11.15-11.30 Break - Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Pharmaidea
Chairpersons: Prof. dr Andrea Genezzani, Prof. dr Svetlana Vujović
11.30-11.45 Prof. dr Andrea Genezzani: Should androgens be offered in advance to postmenopausal women to improve quality of life?
11.45-12.00 Prof. dr Damir Franić: Testosterone therapy in menopausal women: why? How long? Which regimen?
12.00-12.15 Prof. dr Svetlana Vujović: Adrenal gland function in premature ovarian insufficiency
12.15-12.30 Prof. dr Branka Nikolić: “Lost” in the menopausal transition: diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas
12.30-12.45 Prof. dr Svetlana Spremović Rađenović: Menopause as metabolic chalenge in women
12.45-13.00 Prof. dr Aleksandar Đogo: The role od peptide complexes in the rejuvenation of human tissue
13.00-13.30 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Miter
13.30-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-14.30 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: OptimusPharma
Chairpersons: Prof. dr Mark Brincat, Prof. dr Damir Franić
14.30-14.45 Prof dr Aleksandar Ljubić: Future of IVF - what are the challenges?
14.45-15.00 Dr Maximillian Brincat: Management and therapy of endometriosis
15.00-15.15 Prof. dr Miomira Ivović: Breast cancer and osteoporosis
15.15-15.30 Doc. dr Ljiljana Marina: The impact of Sars-CoV-2 on women’s
reproductive health
15.30-15.45 Asist. dr Slađana Mihajlović: The role of hysterescopy and laparoscopy in detection of uterus abnormalities
15.45-16.00 Prof. dr Svetlana Janković: Treatment of stress incontinence with CO2 laser in menopause, our experience
16.00-16.15 Coffee break - Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Gedeon Richter
16.15-16.30 Coffee break - Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Hemofarm
Chairpersons: Prof. dr Blazej Meczekalski, Prof. dr Aleksandar Milošević
16.30-16.45 Prim. dr Dragana Duišina: Transgenderism - human emphatic understanding of gender identity
16.45-17.00 Asist. dr Marija Miletić: Body composition: gender differences and effects of gender affirming hormone therapy
17.00-17.15 Prof. dr Aleksandar Milošević: Women’s sexuality
17.15-17.30 Prof. dr Blazej Meczekalski: Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea : View from Different Perspectives
17.30-17.45 Prof. dr Sanja Stanković: The role of AMH
17.45-18.00 Dr Dijana Smolović: The impact of FMRI code mutation diagnostics on patient with premature ovarian insufficiency
SATURDAY 05.10.2024.
Chairpersons: Prof. dr Mark Brincat, Prof. Dr Blazej Meczekalski
08.00-08.08 Dr Antoan Stefan Šojat: Menopausal hormone therapy: European Society of Endocrinology guidelines
08.08-08.18 Dr Betul Ozcivit Erkan: The impact of hot flushes on sleep
08.18-08.26 Dr Natalija Pavlović: The impact of hyposterogenism on blood artery pressure in menopause
08.26-08.34 Dr Anđela Bošković: The role of estrogen on cognition
08.34-08.40 Dr Tijana Milutinović: Osteoporosis in menopausal women
08.40-08.48 Dr Natalija Antić: Assessment of genito-urinary syndrome in menopause
08.48-08.56 Dr Taisa Bojović: Dysfunctional bleeding in menopause
08.56-09.04 Dr Milica Jovanović: Sexuality in menopause
09.04-09.12 Dr Kristina Saravinovska: Intestinal micro-biome in menopause
09.12-09.20 Dr Zorana Arizanović: Menopausal Hormone Therapy in older women
09.20-09.30 Break
09.30-11.00 OSTEOPOROSIS
Chairpersons: Prof. Dr John Stevenson, Prof. dr Marina Nikolić Đurović
09.30-09.45 Prof. dr John Stevenson: New treatments for osteoporosis - are they needed?
09.45-10.00 Prof. dr Marina Nikolić Đurović: Postmenopausal osteoporosis - what is new?
10.00-10.15 Prof. dr Dragana Miljić: Sarcopenia and osteoporosis are two sides of the same coin
10.15-10.30 VNS prim. dr sci. dr Olivera Ilić Stojanović: Influence of gonadal steroids on muscle mass in menopause
10.30-10.45 Doc. dr Miljanka Vuksanović: The effect of premature ovarian insufficiency on bone health
10.45-11.00 Dr sci dr Branko Barać: The new therapeutic approach in cartilage regeneration: Combination of Bone Mesenchymal stem cells and cellular matrix
11.00-11.20 Coffe Break - Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Hemofarm
Chairpersons: Prof. dr Aleksandra Marković, Prof. dr Snežana Rakić
11.30-11.45 Prof. dr Snežana Rakić: Neuroendocrine aspects of pregnancy and postpartum depression
11.45-12.00 Prof. dr Aleksandra Marković: Possibilities of achieving and controlling pregnancy in a patient with acromegaly
12.00-12.15 Prof. dr Mirjana Doknić: Secondary hypogonadism as a consequence of tumor of sela region
12.15-12.30 Prof. dr Sandra Pekić Đurđević: Pituitary apoplexy in reproductive women age
12.30-12.45 Doc. dr Marko Stojanović: From the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland to the back seat of your car - A short love story
12.45-13.00 Doc. dr Mina Hagen: Construction of a questionnaire for the assessment of beliefs, feelings, behavior and level of support related to (in)fertility"Fertility - Beliefs, Feelings, Behavior and Support Inventory".
13.00-13.20 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Proton
13.20-13.55 Lunch break
13.55-14.15 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Biessen-pharma
Chairpersons : Prof dr. Mirjana Šumarac Dumanović, Prof. dr Đuro Macut
14.15-15.30 Prof. dr Snežana Polovina: Obesity and aging
14.30-14.45 Prof. dr Mirjana Šumarac Dumanović: Gender dimorphism in the effect of obesity on hypogonadism
14.45-15.00 Prof. dr Đuro Macut: Fat liver in menopause
15.00-15.15 Prof. dr Miloš Žarković: Physical exercise during aging
15.15-15.30 Doc. dr Draško Gostiljac: Bread for health and bread for slimming
15.30-15.45 Coffee Break Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Medis
Chairpersons: Prof. dr Jasmina Ćirić, Doc. dr Sanja Medenica
15.45-16.00 Prof. dr Jasmina Ćirić: Hypothyreosis and pregnancy
16.00-16.15 Prof. dr Biljana Beleslin: Age distribution - influence on the clinical presentation of Graves orbitopathy
16.15-16.30 Doc. dr Sanja Medenica: Love dance between estradiol and progesteron for successful in vitro fertilization in thyroid autoimmunity
16.30-16.45 Doc. dr Mirjana Stojković: Papillary microcarcinoma of the thyroid gland, gender specificity
16.45-17.00 Doc. dr Zoran Gluvić: Thyroid nodules and thyroid cancers in pregnancy
17.00-17.20 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Tajne dugovečnosti
17.20-17.40 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Berlin-Chemie
Chairpersons: Prof. dr Vinka Vukotić, Prof. dr Srđan Popović
17.40-17.55 Prof. dr Vinka Vukotić: Psychological consequences of infertility in males
17.55-18.10 Prof. dr Srđan Popović: Endocrine disorders as the etiological cause of male Sexual dysfunction
18.10-18.25 Doc. dr Milina Tančić Gajić: Male infertility today - clinical evaluation and diagnostic procedures
18.25-18.40 Doc. dr Miloš Stojanović: White coat hypertension in males
18.40-18.55 Dr Veljko Pantović: Size matters - testicular volume in infertile men
09.15-09.45 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: NovoNordisk
Voditelj panela dr Ivana Božović
Doc. dr Ljiljana Lukić; Doc. dr Tanja Miličić
“SELECT studija - šta nam donosi semaglutid 2.4mg”
11.00-11.15 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Vidapharm
Prof. dr Ashraf Virmani: Role of carnitine in fertility
11.15-11.30 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Pharmaidea
Prof. dr Goran Tulić Uloga bioaktivnih peptida u metabolizmu kostiju, mišića i vezivnog tkiva
13.00-13.30 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Miter
Prof. dr Maurizio Nordio: The role of inositols in PCOs treatment:
Key insights from years of scientific research and clinical practice
14.00-14.30 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: OptimusPharma
Doc. Dr Mirjana Stojković: Thyroid support supplements
16.00-16.15 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Gedeon Richter
Doc. dr Ljiljana Marina: Novi estrogen u KOK
16.15-16.30 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Hemofarm
Doc. dr Milina Tančić Gajić: Inozitoli i reproduktivno zdravlje žena
11.00-11.20 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Hemofarm
Doc. dr Miomira Ivović: Savremena strategija lečenja osteoporoze
13.00-13.20 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Proton
Asist. dr Marija Miletić: Menopauza: simptomatologija, fiziologija i
terapijske mogućnosti
13.55-14.15 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Biessen-pharma
Prof. dr Aleksandar Milošević: Androgel - nova moderna i efkasna
supstituciona terapija testosteronom
15.30-15.45 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Medis
Dr sci. dr Dijana Smolović: Catefertyl for HER - Sinergistički efekat
mio-inozitola i D-hiro inozitola za punu podršku reproduktivnom
zdravlju i hormonsku ravnotežu
17.00-17.20 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Tajne dugovečnosti
Prof. Dr Olga Pavlovna Vinogradova: Femo-klim in solving the
problem of sexual dysfunction in women in menopause
17.20-17.40 Industry sponsored satellite symposium: Berlin-Chemie
Prof. Dr Biljana Nedeljković Beleslin: Terapija hipotireoidizma u